Is Anti-Semitism Normalizing Within the Democratic Party?
(AIA Commends President Trump for Courageously Standing Against Anti-Semitism)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) (www.israeladvocates.org/) praised the Trump administration for standing up and calling out the brazen and unprecedented anti-Semitism being expressed by the “Squad of 4” within the mainstream of political discourse in the Democratic Party.
Joel Chernoff, Executive Director of AIA said, “For the first time in US history, there is danger that anti-Semitism will become normalized and legitimized in US politics via the Democratic Party and a DNC controlled Congress. Anti-Semitism has existed since the founding of the country but has never been institutionally embraced by either of its two main political parties.”
Chernoff added, “Despite a stinging bipartisan Congressional rejection of Democratic Party Representative, Ilhan Omar’s pro-BDS and anti-Israel resolution, the Squad of Four, Alyssa Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, continue to press forward with an unrelenting stream of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric and resolutions. In addition to Omar justifying her proposed anti-Israel resolution by outrageously comparing a boycott of Israel to past boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, Ocasio-Cortez, in a recent radio interview, brazenly called the nation of Israel a “criminal” enterprise. Their apparent long-term objective is to make anti-Israel discourse a regular and normal part of US politics.”
Rabbi Dr. Joel Liberman, President of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), added, “This disturbing trend has not gone unnoticed by the US Jewish community in general. For the first time, Jews in America are wary of their future here in the US. There is emerging concern that the anti-Semitism growing so quickly and violently in Europe has now landed in the US and that Jewish people are not as safe here as they have been historically.”
“Chernoff continued, “AIA encourages President Trump, as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, to continue calling out and confronting anti-Semitism wherever he finds it — on the left or the right. And, we pray that he will continue to be a stalwart for the Jewish people and their right to the Land as expressed in the Holy Scriptures. We remind him, and policymakers everywhere, that God has promised in the Holy Scriptures that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel…and God is a promise-keeper.”
The Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) seeks to activate and organize American support for Israel by articulating Israel’s biblical claim to the Land. AIA is the public policy arm of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America which is the largest organization worldwide representing the Messianic Jewish community. AIA seeks to equip the Christian church, policy makers and the media with resources to foster greater understanding of the biblical case for Israel’s claim to the historic Land of Israel, her right to self-determination, and for her role in world redemption.
SOURCE Alliance for Israel Advocacy