Category: Israel Emergency

How Joseph Project’s crisis experience helps Israel in its darkest hours

How Joseph Project’s crisis experience helps Israel in its darkest hours

The Joseph Project team aims to live up to his example, striving to always be ready to extend support when crisis strikes. So when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel on October 7 and threw the country into its worst situation since the Yom Kippur War exactly 50 years earlier, the Joseph Project was ready.

More Than 9.1 Million in Aid Distributed

More Than 9.1 Million in Aid Distributed

As of March 1st, 2024, we are proud to announce that we have surpassed a significant milestone, having distributed over $9.1 million USD in aid across more than 691 deliveries.

The Joseph Project: An update since the war started.

The Joseph Project: An update since the war started.

The Joseph Project has been heartened by the prayerful and financial support from our global friends and donors, enabling us to consistently provide crucial aid to those facing significant hardship. Your support has made a tangible difference for many families and communities during this challenging season.

Joseph Project, The Road Ahead in 2024

Joseph Project, The Road Ahead in 2024

At present, our team is diligently focused on meeting immediate needs on the ground while concurrently preparing for the long term by replenishing our stock of emergency items. This undertaking holds paramount importance for addressing any potential future crises.
