Courage Amid Tragedy: Svetlana’s Journey from Loss to Hope

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Humanitarian Aid in Israel

Courage Amid Tragedy: Svetlana’s Journey from Loss to Hope

Humanitarian Aid IsraelSvetlana, a young mother from Sderot, became a widow on October 7th. Her husband, Martin, a brave policeman, fell while protecting the people of Sderot. When Hamas terrorists attacked, Martin heard gunshots and courageously fought alone in the streets, saving many lives. Tragically, Svetlana only discovered days later that he had been killed in combat.

With her small children, Svetlana left their home under fire and lived in a hotel, but it wasn’t healthy for them. She has since moved to Bat Yam to start a new life. The Joseph Project helped her purchase furniture for her new home. Svetlana and her daughters are grateful for the support during this challenging transition. Thank you to everyone who has supported Israel during these difficult times.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food”
Matthew 25:35a